Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Best practices for achieving high performance in a BPO

Image Source: supplychaindigital.com

Business process outsourcing (BPO) has become an effective and efficient management practice adhered to by most companies around the world. Because of its current success, the BPO industry has subsequently entered a new phase of development that requires continuous innovation and discernible improvement in expertise and business solutions for its clients.

To meet these goals, BPO companies must offer new value propositions with a strong business impact. Instead of focusing on cost reductions alone, BPOs must craft new strategies across all aspects of their operations to guarantee high performance at each stop.

Here are some of the widely best practices BPO companies are observing today:

Image Source: completeoutsourcing.com

Adapt an end-to-end approach: According to Infosys BPO, a holistic approach in management can bind multiple functions. For example, both client and provider could collaborate to focus on the operation’s overall process, such as in the rationalization and standardization of its operations.

Prioritize value over cost: According to research by Accenture, majority of high-performance businesses will consider service options with greater value, even at higher cost. In today’s competitive market, entrepreneurs are now looking more on the benefits of a specific rather than fixating on reducing costs.

Explore new frontiers: A journal article by MIS Quarterly Executive emphasizes the importance of new technologies in leveraging the performance of service providers. An example of this is the adaption of automated programs and software to eliminate bottlenecks and improve productivity across all business functions.

Image Source: smartconsultancybposervices.wordpress.com

A BPO specialist, Cox and Kings Global Services is a company that provides administrative support and management for non-judgmental tasks related to the entire lifecycle of a visa, passport, and consular application process. Follow this Facebook page for more information about the company.

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